Home Training of Neck Pain Radiating into the Arm

Development of training technologies and exercise programmes for patients with neck pain radiating into the arm


Every year 8-10,000 Danes experience arm pain originating from their neck. The pain may be caused by a herniated disk in the neck. About a quarter of these patients are being referred for surgery, while the vast majority are offered counsel and simple rehabilitation. We know that training generally has a positive effect on patients with neck pain, but in terms of patients with herniated disc in their neck we do not know, which kind of training is the most effective. A particular challenge is the fact that patients with herniated disc in their neck suffer severe pain and need massive support for a period of time. Also, it seems vital that the patients experience control over their own situation and are able to maintain a normal life.



The project "Home Training of Neck Pain Radiating into the Arm", which is a subproject under the Patient@home umbrella, is developing and testing a new treatment in the form of an app for smartphones and tablets that puts the patient at the centre of care and mainly takes place in the patient's home. The basis of the initiative is the preferences of the patient, the experience of the carers, and scientific evidence. The project will focus on the development of technologies that can support the training of each patient through guidance and information. The app will guide the patient during his/her exercises, measuring pain and capabilities, as well as motivating and stimulating the patient's efforts. In addition, the intention is that the users of the app can get information about his/her diagnosis, prognosis, and planning schemes as well as an opportunity to communicate with other patients and therapists.


If the app, after the pilot testing, demonstrates applicability and relevance, it will be tested in a randomized design, where the effect of the new treatment option will be compared with the treatment currently offered the patient group at The Spine Centre of Southern Denmark


The project aims to promote technology-assisted guidance and (rehap) training, and, through activating user feedback, motivating people with neck pain to implement appropriate training at home rather than at a treatment centre. The project's hypothesis is that by using motivational technologies to visualise handling and training needs in the patient's own home it will be possible to reduce pain and improve functions in patients with herniated disks to a level that is, at least, similar to that of the traditional treatment.


Expected results

If this kind of home training proves as efficient as traditional training or treatment in a specialised unit, considerable savings can be achieved through reduced travel and consultation costs.

Contact Person

Hanne  Rasmussen

Syddansk Universitet, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik

Email:  LOADEMAIL[harasmussen]DOMAIN[health.sdu.dk]


Syddansk Universitet, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik

Hanne  Rasmussen

Email:  LOADEMAIL[harasmussen]DOMAIN[health.sdu.dk]

Web:   http://www.sdu.dk/Om_SDU/Institutter_centre/Iob_Idraet_og_biomekanik

Syddansk Universitet, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik

Per  Kjær

Email:  LOADEMAIL[pkjaer]DOMAIN[health.sdu.dk]

Web:   http://www.sdu.dk/Om_SDU/Institutter_centre/Iob_Idraet_og_biomekanik


Jørgen  Bondy

Email:  LOADEMAIL[jorgen]DOMAIN[exorlive.com]

Web:   http://exorlive.com/dk

Rygcenter Syddanmark

Berit  Schiøttz Christensen

Email:  LOADEMAIL[berit.schiottz-christensen]DOMAIN[rsyd.dk]

Web:   http://www.sygehuslillebaelt.dk/wm202525

Syddansk Universitet, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Instituttet

Ulrik  Pagh Schultz

Email:  LOADEMAIL[ups]DOMAIN[mmmi.sdu.dk]

Web:   http://www.sdu.dk/Om_SDU/Institutter_centre/Mmmi_maersk_mckinney_moeller